Introduction to the Carrie Flower

Carrie Flower Company was established in 2010 as a children's book series designed to educate children and their families about making healthy life choices. Recognizing the importance of social, emotional, and healthy lifestyle learning, the program received PA approval as a social and emotional curriculum in 2015. Since then, it has been successfully implemented in Head Start centers and schools across Pennsylvania, providing a valuable resource for educators and families alike..

Reintegrating Social-Emotional Learning in Family Education

In recent years, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a concerning shift away from emphasizing social, emotional, and healthy lifestyle education. As schools have increasingly focused on issues like the transgender movement and limiting parental rights, programs like Carrie Flower Company that prioritize these essential skills have been sidelined, despite their proven effectiveness.

This gap presents a valuable opportunity to reintegrate comprehensive social-emotional learning into family education. By doing so, we can ensure that children not only excel academically, but also develop the critical interpersonal, self-awareness, and wellness skills needed to thrive in all aspects of their lives.

By prioritizing social-emotional development alongside academic achievement, we can equip the next generation with the well-rounded capabilities they need to navigate the modern world. Join us in this vital mission to nurture the whole child and strengthen families for a brighter future.

Vision for the Future: Animated CurriculumRevitalizing Carrie Flower: Animating Education for Families

My vision is to revitalize the Carrie Flower program by animating its materials, allowing Carrie Flower to serve as a dynamic educator for children and their families. By transforming the existing content into engaging animated formats, we can enhance accessibility and appeal to a broader audience. This approach will not only attract children's attention but also facilitate interactive learning experiences that promote healthy choices.


By leveraging the strengths of the Carrie Flower program and modernizing its delivery through animation, we can address current educational gaps while fostering healthier lifestyles among families. I believe that with your support and expertise, we can make a significant impact on family education through this innovative approach.