Travel Carrie Flower and Buzzy Bee
“Travel with Carrie Flower” is a great activity for engaging your students and families. Traveling Carrie Flower is a variation of the traditional “Flat Stanley”. Download your own Traveling Carrie Flower and laminate as many copies as you like. Some educators like to give a Traveling Carrie Flower to each student and some educators let one Travel Carrie Flower go home with a specific student each night or weekend. Buzzy Bee options are included in this free download.
Carrie Flower Cube Activity
This activity is very versatile! Download “Carrie Flower’s Cube” and you’ll find 3 options — 1) exercise/movement, 2) emotions and 3) a blank cube template — contained in the PDF. You can cut out one cube for the class or even ask your students to cut out their own. If you’re feeling creative, choose the blank template, add some words, cut out the cube and tape it together. If time is short, we recommend using the cube with the exercises already included. You can roll one cube and ask the entire class to do the activity displayed when it lands. Or, you can have students break into smaller groups, take turns rolling their own cubes and have their friends and classmates do the activity shown. Breaking out into smaller groups can help kids to learn independence, as well as when to lead and when to follow.
Classroom Posters
Spread Carrie Flower’s messages of healthy eating and social and emotional development. Download our classroom posters that easily print to an 8.5” x 11” size.