Working Remotely With Toddlers and Babies? Here’s How to Survive!

Author Jennifer McGregor

Working remotely while caring for toddlers and babies can be a challenging task. Balancing work responsibilities with parenting is an ongoing battle, but also an opportunity to create a rewarding lifestyle filled with learning, growth, and progress.

With the right strategies in place, such as fostering your mental health and creating a flexible schedule, you can make your day-to-day a manageable experience. Carrie Flower Company has some tips to help you get there!

Prioritizing Your Mental Health

Self-care is essential when you’re dealing with the stress of remote working and parenting simultaneously. Carve out time in your schedule each day to do something that brings you joy. Watch your favorite TV show, take a leisurely walk outside, catch up on that true crime podcast you’ve heard so much about — anything that helps you wind down for a moment.

You’ll also want to check in on yourself regularly throughout the day. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed or anxious, take a few moments for yourself to relax and refocus.

Lean on Your Support Network

It’s OK (and encouraged) to rely on friends and family for emotional support during this challenging time. Reach out if you need help with childcare or simply want someone to talk to you about how you feel. A supportive network of people who understand what you’re going through can make all the difference in helping you stay sane while managing your competing demands.

Find Functional and Comfortable Clothes

As a remote-working parent, comfort should be key when selecting your wardrobe. Yes, you need to look presentable during video calls, but you still need to feel comfortable enough in your own clothing to do household chores or take care of your small children without worrying about having to change outfits every few minutes. Consider wearing wrinkle-resistant clothing that you can easily throw into the wash after long days spent at home with your little ones.

Nursing Bra

If you’re nursing an infant or toddler, investing in accessible nursing bras will save you many headaches down the road. Look for some made from breathable materials so they won’t irritate your skin, but provide enough support for heavy melt production days — many styles come with adjustable straps to fit perfectly as your body changes over time as well!

Additionally, having two or more nursing bras means that you can always have one airing out between uses. The best part is that you don’t have to allocate time to go to the store. Use your favorite online marketplace to find high-quality bras that you can add to your shopping cart when shopping for diapers, wipes, and other essentials.

Minimizing Distractions in Your Home Workspace

When setting up your homework space, take into account any potential distractions caused by toddlers and babies running around the house. If possible, designate an area of the home solely for work, where noise levels won’t disrupt video calls or other tasks requiring your focus. If this isn’t feasible due to space constraints, try using noise-canceling headphones while working from home, so you can minimize the impact any background noise has on your productivity!

Developing the Right Schedule

Finally, developing the right schedule is essential for productivity when it comes to juggling work and parenting responsibilities from home. Prioritize tasks that need immediate attention and delegate those that don’t require as much urgency when possible (for instance, asking someone else for help with meal prep). You should also schedule breaks for everyone throughout the day to reduce stress; even 10 minutes can make a world of difference!


Being a remote-working parent of young children is no easy feat, but you can thrive with these survival tips in hand. Remember to foster your mental health, lean on those around you, minimize distractions, and implement the other tips above. With a bit of patience and planning, you can succeed in all your roles while continuing to build a happy life!

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Cynthia Post Mitchell

Life coach, author and inspirational speaker

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